We are celebrating spring birthdays with an Afternoon Tea Party on March 22 from 2-5 p.m.! Please RSVP by March 9.
From the Diocese: Please share with Veterans in your church! We would like to recognize those in our diocese who have served in the military from the World Wars to current. You do not need to have combat experience. We would love to gather together, and interview you about your time in the military…

November 17 is Stewardship Sunday. Pledge cards for 2025 will be available after services, and will remain available through the end of the year. Pledge commitments can also be sent to Candace Majors, Accounting Warden, at cemajors@verizon.net.

“Songversation” is a combination of a mini-concert and a discussion with a network of people who have attended the concerts at St. Paul’s. The goal is to talk about the Friends of St. Paul’s Association and how the events and concerts are funded and presented. We will ask questions that give our aud…
Please read the latest from Deacon Jeannie on the ministry work she is currently leading: Greetings Friends in Christ! I am happy to have now been among you for about six months. Thank you again for welcoming me to your community. Below is a summary of the ministry work I am involved w…
St. Stephen’s Homeless outreach ministry is in need of donations! Please see the attached list or ask Deacon Jeannie Sachs if you have questions.
Get tickets at www.avaopera.org!
Please see below for some tragic news from our friends at Wyncote Farm, and a request for help: On November 25, Farmer Nala Bloom of Wyncote Academy and Wyncote Farm was killed in a traffic crash. (The previous week, our urban agriculture teacher left for other responsibilities.) Farme…
Our friends at Wyncote Farms have provided the information below on the service for Nala Bloom of Wyncote Farm: The memorial services for Nala Bloom will be held next Wednesday, Dec 6 Joseph J. McGoldrick Funeral Home 507 West Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 Viewing from 10 am – 11…

Join us on Sunday, September 24 at noon for a celebration of Father Paul’s work as he retires from full-time ministry! Contact the office if you still need to RSVP!
Please plan to attend one of two upcoming Parish Planning meetings as we prepare for Father Paul’s retirement. LIVE meeting is at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, February 19, after services at the church. ZOOM meeting for those who cannot attend live will be at 7:00 p.m on Tuesday, February 21.
Sundays 10 a.m-4 p.m. through March. Eggs, honey, winter greens, and much more!
Join us for our second annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 29 from 12-4 pm!

Bring your pets for our annual Blessing of the Animals during Family Communion on 10/2!

Join us for a free concert sponsored by the Friends of St. Paul’s!

Making a Great Change: The Women of Old York Road. Sponsored by the Penn State Abington Public History Curriculum and by Lise Marlowe, winner of the Teacher of the Year Award from the History Channel, and by the Friends of St. Paul’s Elkins Park. With Carol Faulkner, author of Lucretia…
Oak Lane Maple is sugar tapping at St. Paul’s! Maple boils will take place the weekend of February 5 and goats from the Philly Goat Project will also be on-site! Photo credits to Wyncote Academy and Jamie Giambrone Photography.
The Friends of St. Paul’s present two holiday concerts for the 2021 season: Home for the Holidays on December 11 at 7:30 p.m. and Bach by Candlelight on December 18 at 7:30 p.m. Both will be live-streamed on the St. Paul’s website.
We will celebrate Juneteenth Sunday and Father’s Day with a special outdoor service and music followed by a barbeque picnic. Also available via Zoom.
June 6 will be our first Sunday Eucharist in the sanctuary! The service will continue to be available on Zoom as well, and the in-sanctuary congregation will be able to join those on Zoom for our virtual Coffee Hour. All are asked to wear masks unless they are solo singing or speaking to the congreg…

via Zoom

NOW ONLINE – Choral Evensong in a Time of Pandemic – With Prayers and Songs for our Country On the Eve of our Election VIDEO LINK: https://vimeo.com/474834389 When Thomas Cranmer wrote the original Book of Common Prayer, he combined all of the individual evening prayer services said by…

You can now give to St. Paul’s easily and securely via Tithe.ly! Simply click on the purple “Giving” button at the top of the page to get started.